
Hostal Errota is a guesthouse located in the neighborhood of Tabira, in Durango, and it has gone through many experiences since it was opened.

In front of the guesthouse is the San Pedro church, one of the oldest in Vizcaya. In fact, it is believed that the town of Durango was created around this church.


Hostal Errota is located in Durango, which, thanks to its location, is a point from where you can easily get to any corner of the Basque Country. Bilbao is about 30km away, Vitoria-Gasteiz 45km away, Donostia 80km away and Pamplona 150km away.


Kontsultatu gure ostatua erabilgarri ote dagoen nahi duzun egunetan eta egin erreserba.

Nahiago baduzu, gurekin kontaktuan ere jar zaitezke.